Kind of a precursor to the radio and TV commercial jingle, it was a song that could be sung in the tavern while beering away the hours by the old piano. A pre-Prohibition classic. Minneapolis Brewing Company was best known as the brewers of Grain Belt beer until it went out of business in 1975.
With your day's work completed,
With friends you are seated,
In rathskeller, home or cafe,
What pleasure so pleasing,
From care your brain easing,
As sipping the hours away
With joke and clear laughter,
Who cares what comes after,
Dull care we have banished away
Each jolly good fellow,
Zum Zum Zumalweiss
That is the music we all love to hear,
Room, room, room for good fellows
And welcome each one with a cheer
Let us join in a smile
For the beer that's worthwhile,
So here's to good old
Zumalweiss and here's a health to all
of us
With a laugh in each sip,
As it passes the lip,
That's the Zum Zum Zum Zumalweiss beer.
Of champagne that ripples,
Or fizzes that fuddle your brain
Or urge of the bouquet,
Of sauterne or tokay,
Or sparkle of burgundy strain
Give me the pure shine and
The health from the stein-land,
That came when they taught how to brew
And I will be wiser
Than king, prince or kaiser,
Get wise to that Zumalweiss too.